Most films have codes and conventions that
contribute to identify the difference genre. Over the years films have mixed
with code and conventions to create division of genres known as sub
genres. , being slasher one of those. It usually involves generally consist of
a psychotic killer who stalks their victim. Over the years horror films have
been challenging the traditional codes and conventions to entertain their
audience. By subverting a traditional elements of the horror
genre , however still keep key elements it helps keep the film look
different , new. Furthermore the audience will be able to identify that it is a
horror genre.
There is a final girl who is usually the only
person who survives , she is considered as the virginal and innocent type
who are tormented by basic promiscuous girl teenagers.this is very conventional
in slasher films. This
term has been introduced by carol j clover who commented that in these films,
the audience begin by sharing the perspective of the killer but later
experience a shift in identification to the final girl. A common plot line in
most horror films includes a final girl. This convention has been observed
in many horror films like, “Halloween” ,
“scream” and many more. The final girl is usually quiet and pure and gains
confidence towards the end of the film. In slasher films they convey being
virginal and innocent is the key way of surviving and that being promiscuous is
not. Therefore creating a binary opposition between the two.
Results day represents this in the trailer, you can
see a final girl. In our trailer you can see jane (final girl) being
looking quite intelligent as you see her with books indicating that she cares
about her education. She is also seen as a bit quiet person looking through her
body language. The theorist Carol Clover wrote a book called Men Women and
Chainsaw which talked about the gender representation in horror films. she said
that the final girl can be conveyed as social outcast from others in her
group , and also she is the character that helps develop the narrative forward.
We wanted to represent the final girl in
this conventional way , so that horror fans can identify with our story line as
they can the similarity with other
horror films , this was especially important
that Jane was identifiable.
The final girl can also be seen as the monstrous , although being seen as a
her they can be represented as evil. The Freudian theory can be applied. When
the final girl kills the monster they can be described being castrated , who
the killer is mostly always a male. This idea is from where a mothers male
child leaves the pre oedipal space which is virtual world where child is
connected to their mother in a deeper level and takes place in a symbolic order
where it becomes traumatic for the child as he finds out his mother does not
have the same genitalia. , this will lead the male to thinking their
masculinity will be stripped away. They feel threatened by the mother. We
represented this our trailer by conveying our final girl as monstrous.
Another we have convention we have is
the sexually promiscuous girl in film but not included in our trailer. she is friends with the final girl Jane. There
is binary opposition between her and final girl. She is conveyed in a sexual
way , by wearing short skirts , tightly
fitted clothing in general , the sexually promiscuous dies first in our film , this
is conventional of that in other horror films.
We applied Tzetan Todrov theory in our
trailer which suggest that every story begins with a equilibrium where the
opposing forces are in balance , a disruption is caused in the event, which sets in chain of series of evens formed , a recognition of the disruption is found
which leads to an attempt at resolving it.. Eventually a new equilibrium is
formed. Those are the 5 stages are conventional in every slasher film and also
be found in my mine.

My trailer was mostly filmed in the
forest which is a conventional location to portray the horror genre. We have
tried make the best use of the forest to emphasis such as the killer hiding
behind the tree while jack and lamar are talking about the their party arrival.
The black clothing of the killer represents death therefore it is implying that
they are likely to die. This emphasised through the mise en scene.

I have used a number of editing
techniques like matched action , in this part you see john running away from
the killer in corridors , there is a cut made between
the 2 shots in which action has been overlapped. With the use of editing it
makes the trailer much smoother for the best possible experience. With the help of editing it is important to
include for non linear trailer.
I used Roland Barthes semantic coding
which points to any elements in the text which can connatate any extra meaning . For example jack in the beginning of the trailer if shown running
through the forest through point of view shot ,
the helps engage the audience by putting them in the position of the
jacks character. The audience can help and identify and relate to his survival.
One of the most important conventions
of typical horror convention are the use of logos, commonly found at the
beginning of the trailer. We used this to develop the common convention of our
horror trailer. we added the logos of
companies who were involved with the
development and making of our
film , this was added in the beginning of our trailer. we added the name of our film “Results Day” in the end of the trailer
this was done so that the audience naturalize with ther film better.

Due to my film being independent low budget i do not have the best means of industry technology however i used the best of what i got.
I have used black and white to help show the killers bloody knife dripping down on the floor , this helps convey the sense of slasher genre as knife are conventional in almost slasher's , it also can show the killers state of mined as he is lonely.
my magazine is based off from fangoria which is a conventional magazine. The image showing Results day helps reinforces the horror genre with the use of blood. I used blood in order to convey the sense of danger and death. The placement of my film typography has changed due to not being able to control the placement of the layout of the magazine , as you can it is laced at the near the bottom right.
i have used banners on top of the magazine to help advertise a feature film , yellow is used throughout the magazine which give the representation of the video nasty poster. This helps the audience allow identify that this is horror magazine.
i have used buzz words to attract my audience like "Win" which helps gain attention from the reader , it reads Win Sundance Festival Tickets , therefore the reader has a reason to read the magazine.
Another convention i used was the film feature stories as you can see , this helps gain attention from the reader.
i have used banners on top of the magazine to help advertise a feature film , yellow is used throughout the magazine which give the representation of the video nasty poster. This helps the audience allow identify that this is horror magazine.
i have used buzz words to attract my audience like "Win" which helps gain attention from the reader , it reads Win Sundance Festival Tickets , therefore the reader has a reason to read the magazine.
Another convention i used was the film feature stories as you can see , this helps gain attention from the reader.
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