Tuesday 6 May 2014

Audience Qualitative Data

During the  of our trailer , i created some template for the magazine front page to experiment with the ways the page could be coded to appeal to the horror/slasher genre and to my audience. After creating the template i carried out research to see which template appealed to people the most. I achieved this by carrying out qualitative research. I kept the templates pretty simple to only concentrate on the structure of the page as the opposed to the content of it and find out which layout looked the best. I presented the templates to a sample of 15-20 year old as that is the age we were aiming our film at.

There was mixed opinions of the templates, it was either little white lies or fangoria. Empire being the least popular mainly because the the other templates out shinned them.  Fangoria responses were it looked basic and crowded with many feature stories however unlike little white lies said it was too plain with not many feature stories , this is because  little white lies challenges common codes and convention of magazine, some were used to seeing the feature stories.

From studying the results i decided to go with Fangoria , although this is a very  conventional magazine although it was the most popular one. There was more than one fangoria template , the first Fangoria template was the least popular of the two fangoria magazines. The feedback included the issue of the page not looking like a magazine or looking tacky. The focus group  didn't like the fact it was so simple and the placement of the film strip was least preferred here. Definitlt will not use this template when creating when the actual page as it was the least popular with my sample.
The second Fangoria template was the most popular sample and favourite one than the other fangoria template. The audience liked the placement of the film strip best position like that. They also commented about the title saying that its size makes it easy to be seen which makes it easy to be seen from afar which will grab the readers attention.

The results i have got from feedback ,  I’ve received is very useful and really helpedd me a lot in the  making process when it comes to designing my real magazine cover. I will definitely take into consideration everything that my sample has commented on and work on my templates, improving them, to make my final product appealing to my target audience. Since fangoria being the most popular option i will combine both first and second fangoria template features from both and apply them to my final product.


I have created a poster template in use guiding for creating my final horror trailer. this was so that my target audience can analyse my template so that i can make improvement for final poster front cover.

 From the infomation i have collected from the focus group , some replies to this template was "the poster is concentrated on the forest which reinforces the horror genre" and another one stated that " the poster plain and clean but yet interesting , it makes you think about being at the forest which makes you feel like you in a horror film".

The typography was criticized of being hard to read because of the colour and where it has been placed. one stated "the colour of the logo camouflages with the background" however another stated " the typography suits well with overall poster" i have learnt that simple element like like placement of the typography will affect the overall outcome of the poster.

The audience like this template a lot for the following reasons. " this informs me about a slight overview of the narrative of the film , DEA*D his tells me it is related about about group of student who die being hunted by the killer" another stated " the small image helps it make it easier to analyse the image" unlike template 1 the audience responded saying they did not like the colour scheme of template 2 as they said it was to boring. the first template , the audience liked the colour scheme , one stated " the range of dark and bright colour scheme complement each other " from leaning about this i will integrate  those type of colour shcemes as gives a clue that it is a horror film.

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